Journalling Retreat now being advertised

This week I received my copy of the Retreats magazine for next year, and was excited to see the retreat I will be co-leading in July is listed. I was not surprised, of course, because I knew it was going to be included. Nevertheless, it is good to see it in print.

It will be a Monday to Friday retreat which means there will be three full days of content to plan. There will be a different gospel passage of an encounter with Jesus each day for us to meditate on and take to our prayer times. Caroline is experienced in leading people in Ignatian meditation. I will also have a different painting/creative technique to demonstrate each day.

On the first evening I will give a talk about my journalling using painting and creativity. I will take my journals to show. When I did this whilst on retreat earlier this year using whatever photos I had on my iPad it was very well received. I felt very affirmed and encouraged that people felt inspired and wanted to know more about how I use my creativity (especially painting) in my prayer journalling.

I will be meeting with Caroline in January to continue our planning. I don’t t know how far in advance people book their retreats, so I think we need to have more information for people so they know if it is for them or not. There will be morning prayer and evening prayer each day. And probably a final Eucharist, offering up our week to God.

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