Shambolic House Move – The Finale

I am happy to report that our remaining items were delivered last Sunday (24th March), 23 days after our move date.

I sent photos and notes to the Anyvan manager who took a few days, and after consultation with his line manager, to confirm that they would arrange the move. He then asked me to list all the items. This was extremely frustrating given that I had already provided photos and notes. Initially I refused, but relented and emailed as full a list as I could, with the exception of everything in the kitchen cupboards as they were fully visible in the photos.

The line manager made the computerised list which, when I looked at it, I thought it was OK. But I was so angry I didn’t look very carefully, just saw 33 boxes and various items and trusted that the removal team would bring everything even if not not the list. I got full assurance from the moving manager that the team would collect everything and understand the situation.

It took another couple of days to get the move date agreed. It would be Saturday 23rd. On the morning of the removal I was in a bit of a flap as I read the on-line list and saw that under kitchen there was ‘cooker and 7 plants’ Oh???!!!! Don’t panic!!! But I did! There was no cooker to be taken but there was the contents of several cupboards to be taken.

However, after a phone conversation with the lovely church warden at the vicarage, we established that she would ensure all my things were taken.

A phone call with the lady in charge of the van and team resulted in me agreeing that they could deliver on Sunday afternoon rather than late on Saturday.

The two men who did the delivery were not the ones who did the packing so they had no idea of what was on the van. They were lovely and helpful, moving a few items of furniture that were in the wrong places. They efficiently put things wherever I asked them. Many of the boxes had to be undone to look inside and establish where to put them. And the items I had said could be left behind were brought. Oh well…. I am sure the next incumbent of the vicarage will be able to find out what goes in the blue bin and who to phone if there’s a power cut!

As you can see from this photo, we now have the CDs, DVDs and books on the shelves. Progress is being made. The clock never did get as far as being hung on the wall in our last house but was propped up on top of the unit! This may not be its final position, but it will do for now.

I’m tempted to say ‘all’s well that ends well‘. However, I am still angry with the company and annoyed with myself for choosing them. I am gradually working through the boxes, a few a day and thinking about storage solutions as I attempt to fit a quart into a pint pot! No doubt there will need to be a few trips to the charity shop.

To read the full story, go to:

The Shambles that was our house move

The Removal Manager agrees it was a shambles

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