Shambolic House Move – Epilogue

I thought I should, for the sake of fairness to AnyVan, give you the end of the story. I received an email on 27th May which purported to come from the Managing Director, saying

“I would love to understand what we could do to improve the service moving forward. We genuinely go through all feedback, so If you have 60 seconds and are happy to help, please follow the below link: Any help would be massively appreciated, Huge thank you.”

I filled in their online form which only had the space for basic yes/no answers and small details. So I replied saying that if he really wanted to know about our experience, then read my blog posts. I included the links – and here they are for those of you who didn’t read them first time round.

The email must have been read fairly quickly as I soon received a phone call from someone (not the managing director himself) and I was able to, once again, vent my feelings about our experience.

When we had the second van to fetch our remaining things we had to pay £200. I wasn’t in any mood to argue at the time and agreed to it. After all, when you think about the huge cost of house removal, and the huge amount of stuff we had to shift, it is a small amount. The person I spoke to said that they would refund this extra amount, by way of compensation. I agreed and it went back onto the credit card the next day.

I now feel that this is a closed case and I will leave feedback on Trust Pilot.

Almost all our boxes are unpacked. The image I chose for this post is the small room I am now sitting in and use for art and being creative.

We are still getting to grips with a smaller house and I am having to let things go. As I type there are two men in the bathroom demolishing the tiles and fittings. We are splashing out on a completely new bathroom. Out with the old, and in with the new!

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