Art2life breadcrumbs challenge – Conclusion

I didn’t do a piece of art for day 5. When I watched the video on Monday I felt it was much of the same as previous ones, ie an encouragement to play with paint etc and go with the flow of our intuition whilst reflecting on the discoveries of the previous days…. or something like that. I’m writing this on Wednesday.

However, what I did do surprised me. I used my art from the week as a way of illustrating my sermon on Sunday morning at one of my churches 9the 10.30am service). I had planned to simply do the vicar’s report/address for the annual meeting which was to follow on from the service. However, as I read a couple of things on the way home on Saturday afternoon in the car whilst having a mild panic about the fact that I may have to preach at the 9am service, I started to make connections between the art and our spiritual lives. Anyway, I was relieved to find that I was not preaching at 9am.

When I got up early enough to pray and think about what I might say at the 10.30am service I was increasingly sure that the vicar’s report would not do. I felt I should preach using the art as an example of how God guides us. I took the pieces I’d done during the week into church and held them up for people to see. However, when I looked at the video of the sermon I realised that those watching on line couldn’t see them. So I decided to edit the film and create a video of just the sermon with the images of the artwork full frame for people to see. I enjoyed the creative process and it didn’t take up too much time.

If you want to see it, here it is:

Here’s the creative art produced during the week of breadcrumbs challenge:

A quick glance down my inbox of emails showed a reply from one of the publishers I’d approached for my book. I didn’t look at it before worship on Sunday and I convinced myself it was another rejection. However when I did get around to being brave enough to read it I was delighted to see it was an offer for my to consider them publishing with me contributing towards the cost of publishing. They would still market the book etc. After consulting with my hubby I decided to ask them to send me the figures and contract for consideration. I had begun to think that the book would never be published and perhaps I was foolish to even consider it. Perhaps God thinks otherwise. We will see. I will continue to do all I can to delight myself in the Lord.

I have started to prepare for next Sunday’s sermon for All Saints Day. Preaching on Revelation chapter 7 – a scene of countless people worshipping the Lamb upon the throne, washed in the blood of the lamb with rivers of living water….. Oh and there are angels and living creatures mentioned too. I have started a picture – whether it gets finished or shared……. watch this space!

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